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[영작문]자신 생활 소개

노파워블로거 2009. 5. 19. 18:32
목 차
본 자료는 워디안이나 한글 2002 이상의 버전에서만 확인이 가능합니다.
한글 97 이하의 버전을 보유하고 계신 회원님들께서는 구매에 앞서 참고하시기 바랍니다.
<해피캠퍼스 자료관리팀>
본 문
My daily work within a week is similar to each other. I work in the
morning and go to school in the afternoon.  Monday, i get up at six. I
go to the downtown to work. I start my work since at 11. Monday,
people is a little so, working is good. Working ends at 5. I go to
school by the bus.  I have to run fastly in monday because the first
class is done in 의양관. A monday schedule is very tight. Thus, I feel
little tiresome.  Then, It is eleven pm when I am arriving to the home.
Approximately, I am fell asleep in one am after watching TV or playing
a computer.
Likewise, I am starting the work after 11 am in Tuesday. The first class
of tuesday is a 채플.  It is located in the farthest place from our
school`s east gate. Very difficult. Tuesday is little easy because there
are many free times.  However, the ending time is 10 pm.  
Consequently, when I am arriving to the home, it is 11 pm.  
Wednesday is alike.too. I can go to the school comfortably in
wednesday because the first class is empty.  However, the ending
time is 10 pm. Arriving time to the home is 11pm again. Very difficult.
Thursday is not far different with others too.  I also have to rush
because the first class is opened in 의양관.  But we are released
earlier. This is why I like this day.

원본 : 난 일주일의 일과가 비슷하다.hwp
URL : http://www.happycampus.com/report/view.hcam?no=4175185